The bill under consideration amends existing law to allow for the hobby distillation of liquors produced from beer or wine by individuals over the age of 21 for personal or family use. The current law already exempts the production of beer and wine (excluding fortified wine) from certain regulations when not sold or offered for sale, and this bill extends that exemption to include liquor produced from beer or wine. The bill specifies that the production of such liquors is not to exceed certain quantities based on the number of persons in a household producing beer or wine.

Specifically, the bill amends RSA 175:5-b, I by deleting the word "or" before wine and inserting the phrase "or liquor produced from beer or wine" after wine. It also adds new sub-sections (c) and (d) to allow for the production of liquor in quantities not exceeding the amount produced from 200 gallons of beer or wine per calendar year for households with two or more persons, and 100 gallons per calendar year for households with only one person producing beer or wine. The act is set to take effect on January 1, 2025.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 175:5-b
Version adopted by both bodies: 175:5-b