The bill establishes two committees: one to study the feasibility and impact of a New Hampshire Clean Energy, Community Resilience and Conservation Corps, and another to study the Child Protection Act. The first committee is tasked with defining new civilian national service programs focused on clean energy and community resilience, performing cost/benefit analyses, seeking grants, and building partnerships with various organizations and educational institutions. The committee is to report its findings by November 1, 2024. No insertions or deletions to current law are specified for this committee.

The second committee is to study the definitions under the Child Protection Act, circumstances creating a rebuttable presumption of harm, and the potential expansion of child abuse reporting requirements. This committee is also expected to propose any legislation deemed appropriate based on its findings, with a report due by November 1, 2024. Again, no specific insertions or deletions to current law are indicated for this committee. The act will take effect upon its passage.