This bill revises the moderator's worksheet for counting votes in elections. It repeals and reenacts RSA 659:73, which outlines the general content of the election return forms. The return of votes must include the name of each candidate and the number of votes they received, including any write-in votes. It must also include the total number of votes cast for each write-in candidate who received 5 or more votes, as well as the aggregate number of write-in votes for candidates receiving less than 5 votes. The return of votes must also include the number of affirmative and negative votes for any questions submitted to the voters, the number of ballots cast for each party in a primary, and the number of ballots cast in a general election.
The bill also requires the moderator to complete a moderator's certificate and a worksheet for the reconciliation of ballots cast on election day with voter participation. The worksheet includes separate tallies for ballots cast, absentee ballots cast, voter participation at check-in and checkout, and hand counts of ballots cast. The bill also requires the town to report the number of federal offices only absentee ballots cast, the number of state write-in absentee ballots cast, the number of federal write-in absentee ballots cast, the number of overvoted and undervoted ballots, and a comparison of different methods of tallying ballots. The bill takes effect on January 1, 2025.