This bill introduces a definition for "part-time teacher" in the context of New Hampshire public schools. According to the new legislation, a part-time teacher is someone who works less than 30 hours per week and is not required to hold a state board of education credential. However, they must obtain a criminal history record check clearance from the Department of Education before receiving a final offer of employment. Additionally, part-time teachers must adhere to the code of conduct and ethics, and anyone who has had an educator credential revoked or has been deemed ineligible to teach under other laws cannot teach under this provision. The act will take effect 60 days after its passage.

The fiscal note attached to the bill indicates that there will be no impact on state, county, or local expenditures, but there is an indeterminate increase in state revenue anticipated from the $100 fee charged for the criminal history record check clearance. The exact revenue increase is undetermined because the number of individuals who may seek to be authorized as part-time teachers is unknown. The Department of Education will begin seeing this increase in revenue in the fiscal year 2025 and beyond, assuming the bill is effective for the 2025-2026 school year. The bill does not provide funding for estimated expenditures nor does it authorize new positions for its implementation, as these sections have been marked for deletion.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 21-N:9
As Amended by the House: 21-N:9