HB 1127 is a legislative bill that revises the laws concerning the revocation and suspension of driver's licenses. The bill removes the requirement for individuals with suspended licenses to surrender their licenses to the department of motor vehicles and allows them to operate lawn mowers without penalty. It amends several sections of the RSA, including RSA 262:19, III, RSA 265:4, I(f), and RSA 265-A:30, III-V, to eliminate the surrender mandate and change the procedures for handling driver's licenses upon suspension. Additionally, the bill clarifies that driving with a suspended or revoked license on public ways in New Hampshire is illegal, specifying penalties for violations, and includes both insertions, such as "upon a way," and deletions, such as the removal of the requirement to surrender out-of-state licenses.

The bill also introduces new legal consequences for individuals who drive during a suspension or revocation period and are involved in a collision resulting in death or serious bodily injury, potentially charging them with a class B felony if their unlawful operation contributed to the incident. It redefines "period of suspension or revocation" to mean only the suspension or revocation imposed by a court and ensures that individuals serving a minimum mandatory sentence under the relevant paragraph serve the full term. The bill amends the definition of "way" and repeals RSA 263:12, IV, which relates to the failure to surrender a license. HB 1127 is set to take effect on January 1, 2025.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 262:19, 265:4, 265-A:30, 263:64, 259:125, 263:12
As Amended by the Senate: 262:19, 265:4, 265-A:30, 263:64, 259:125, 263:1, 263:77, 263:12
Version adopted by both bodies: 262:19, 265:4, 265-A:30, 263:64, 259:125, 263:12