The bill introduces the Veteran Licensing Acceleration Program (VLAP) to streamline the process for veterans in New Hampshire to obtain occupational licenses and certifications. The program, managed by the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services in partnership with the Office of Professional Licensure and Certification and other entities, will offer resources, support, and employment counseling to veterans. It also mandates annual assessments and reporting on the program's effectiveness. Additionally, the bill amends RSA 310:16 to allow for temporary licensure for military service members, their spouses, and veterans, with an emphasis on expedited processing and the acknowledgment of military training and experience.

Financially, the bill includes an appropriation for the VLAP for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, with future funding to be included in the biennial operating budget of the Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services. The funds are designated as nonlapsing, and the governor is empowered to draw the necessary sum from the treasury. The bill is scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2024. According to the fiscal note, the Office of Professional Licensure and Certification does not foresee additional expenses and plans to handle the increased workload with current staff. The Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services also does not anticipate a significant fiscal impact, as they already have a position that deals with military professional licensing. The summary does not mention any specific insertions or deletions from current law.

Statutes affected:
As Amended by the House: 310:16
As Amended by the Senate: 310:16
Version adopted by both bodies: 310:16