This bill introduces a local option for municipalities to regulate games of chance within their boundaries. It amends RSA 287-D by adding a new section that allows municipalities to vote on whether to prohibit the operation of games of chance. The process for such a vote includes placing the question on the warrant of an annual town meeting or on the official ballot for the next regular municipal election, depending on whether the municipality is a town or a city. A public hearing must be held prior to the vote, and if a majority votes "Yes," games of chance will be prohibited. However, this prohibition does not apply to operators already licensed by the lottery commission or applicants who have applied for a license as of the effective date of the act, unless they cease operation for more than two years or fail to commence operation within four years of application approval. Municipalities can also rescind their disapproval or pass an ordinance allowing a specified number of charitable gaming events per year.

The fiscal note attached to the bill indicates that there is no direct fiscal impact on the state, county, or local governments in terms of expenditures, but there is an indeterminable decrease in revenue expected for the state. The Lottery Commission anticipates that the bill will create an additional barrier to entry for games of chance facilities, potentially decreasing the number of new facilities in the future. While the exact revenue impact is undetermined, it is expected to be negative, although limited, as the legislation still permits the operation of approximately 19 games of chance facilities, with the possibility of more opening with municipal approval. The bill is set to take effect on July 1, 2024.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 32:15