The bill aims to strengthen the privacy protections of student personally identifiable information by restricting its transfer to third parties without explicit written consent from both the student and their parents. It amends RSA 189:66, IV(c) to establish that student personally identifiable information can only be shared with a third party under the condition that the third party will not allow any other party to access this information without the written consent of the student's parents, in line with the exceptions provided by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Additionally, the bill mandates that if any student personally identifiable data is to be released to a third party, the parents must be notified at least 14 school days before the release date. The notification must include details of the recipient, the specific information being released, and the educational purpose for which it will be used. However, the bill clarifies that these restrictions do not apply to the transfer of student information between the department and school districts or chartered public schools. The act is set to take effect 60 days after its passage.