This bill proposes to amend the definition of "development of regional impact" to explicitly include solid waste landfills, thereby subjecting them to review by local land use boards. The bill specifies that solid waste disposal facilities, particularly those requiring a permit from the Department of Environmental Services under Env-Sw 800 administrative rules, are to be considered as such. Additionally, the bill mandates that all proposed solid waste landfills be treated as projects of regional impact, with notice requirements extending to all communities within the watershed where the landfill may be proposed or within 10 miles of the proposed landfill location if they are outside the watershed.

The bill also includes a clause to ensure that it does not apply retroactively to landfill facilities on sites where a RCRA Subtitle D landfill already exists and has been fully permitted as of December 1, 2022. The definition of "site" in this context refers to a single parcel or adjacent parcels owned entirely by a landfill operator or its affiliates as of the specified date. The act is set to take effect 60 days after its passage, establishing a future date for the implementation of these provisions.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 36:55, 33:56
As Amended by the House: 36:55, 36:56, 36:57
As Amended by the Senate: 36:55, 36:56
Version adopted by both bodies: 36:55, 36:56