This bill aims to increase the eligibility for free school meals by allowing children with household incomes up to 350 percent of the federal poverty guidelines to receive meals without cost. Currently, eligibility is determined based on federal income guidelines. The bill also requires the state board of education to establish minimum nutritional standards for the meals and income guidelines for determining eligibility. The additional costs for the school meals program will be funded by disbursements from the education trust fund, with the governor authorized to draw a warrant from the fund to cover the state's obligation. The bill will take effect on July 1, 2024.

The fiscal impact of the bill is expected to be significant, with an estimated cost of over $50 million per year. The state will be responsible for reimbursing school districts for the additional costs of providing free meals to eligible students. The Department of Education estimates that at least three new positions will be needed to develop and manage the eligibility determination process, with an estimated cost of $339,000 to $348,000 per year. The bill does not provide authorization or appropriation for new personnel. The exact number of students who will qualify for the expanded eligibility is unknown, but it is expected to be a significant number.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 189:11-a, 198:39