This bill mandates that school athletics be categorized by sex and bars biological males from participating in female sports. It applies to public high schools and middle schools but excludes students from kindergarten to fourth grade. Sports teams must be explicitly designated as male, female, or coed based on participants' biological sex at birth, as stated on their original or corrected birth certificate. If a student's birth certificate does not clearly state their sex at birth, they must provide additional evidence at their own expense. The bill requires the state board of education, local school boards, and public charter school governing bodies to adopt policies ensuring compliance with these regulations. It also protects schools from complaints or investigations by government entities, licensing or accrediting organizations, or athletic associations for maintaining separate sports teams for female students.

The bill also establishes various causes of action. Students who are denied athletic opportunities or suffer harm due to a school's violation of the bill's provisions can seek injunctive relief, damages, and other legal remedies. Students facing retaliation for reporting violations have similar rights to take legal action. Schools harmed by violations can also sue for relief. Legal actions must be initiated within two years of the harm, and successful claimants are entitled to monetary damages, attorney's fees, and other appropriate relief. The bill includes a severability clause, ensuring that if any part of the act is found invalid, the rest remains effective. The act becomes effective 30 days after passage.