This bill amends the definition of first responders within the context of Homeland Security and Emergency Management to include a broader range of personnel and volunteers who are considered essential service providers. The amendment specifically adds language to RSA 21-P:35, IX, stating that first responders encompass not only traditional emergency public safety, law enforcement, and medical services providers but also other skilled support personnel and volunteers. These additional roles include equipment operators and individuals serving on state and community emergency response teams, medical reserve corps, disaster animal and health professional response teams. The bill explicitly designates first responders as providers of essential services.

The bill also includes a provision for its effective date, stating that it shall take effect 60 days after its passage. The act was approved on July 19, 2024, and therefore, it is set to become effective on September 17, 2024. The insertions in the bill expand the scope of who is considered a first responder and reinforce the importance of their role by labeling them as essential service providers, which may have implications for their prioritization in public policy and resource allocation during emergencies.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 21-P:35
As Amended by the Senate: 21-P:35
Version adopted by both bodies: 21-P:35