This bill aims to prohibit the charging of rent for facilities or equipment to charities by primary game operators. It introduces changes to RSA 287-D:18 and RSA 287-D:19, which concern the ownership and rental of equipment and the use of facilities for games of chance operated by charitable organizations. The bill mandates that games of chance conducted by a charitable organization must use equipment that is either owned outright or used without any payment or compensation. Additionally, the games must be held in a facility that is either the primary meeting place of the charitable organization or used without payment or compensation.

The bill further specifies that no rent shall be charged by a game operator employer to a charitable organization for the use of a facility. If a charitable organization contracts services from a licensed game operator employer, the operator must provide equipment without charge. Service agreements must be submitted for review with the license application, and the charitable organization must not incur losses from the games of chance. Contracts must include language that no fees will be paid by the charity beyond what is stipulated in the agreement, and no fees for services required or provided by the game operator employer or primary game operator are allowed. Additionally, the charitable organization must receive no less than 35 percent of the gross revenues from the games of chance, minus any prizes paid. The act is set to take effect 60 days after its passage, with an effective date of June 15, 2024.