This bill expands the authority of the housing appeals board to review appeals of final decisions of state agencies, municipal boards, committees, and commissions regarding housing and housing development. It specifically includes the review of state agency permits, municipal permits, fees, and licenses applicable to housing and housing developments. The bill also clarifies that appeals may be brought before the board by an applicant, a municipal board, committee, or commission, or any other aggrieved or injured party with legal standing to appeal. The municipality will be a party to the action if a municipal decision is being appealed, and abutters and other aggrieved parties with legal standing may also be granted intervenor status. The bill takes effect 60 days after its passage.
The fiscal impact of the bill is indeterminable. The New Hampshire Housing Appeals Board does not have information on the number of appeals that would be filed with the board or the percentage of appellants who would choose to file with the board instead of existing appellate bodies. The fee for an appeal before the board is $250, but the average cost per case is difficult to determine as some cases are straightforward while others are complex. The Judicial Branch also cannot estimate the impact of the bill on the number of filings in the Superior Court.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 679:5