This bill amends the statutory reference to the permitted uses of individual customer data by municipal or county aggregations. Specifically, it changes RSA 53-E:4, VI to ensure that individual customer data is treated as confidential and not subject to public disclosure under RSA 91-A. Additionally, the bill allows approved aggregations to use individual customer data to comply with RSA 53-E:7, where a deletion of "II" and an insertion of "III" indicate a change in the referenced subsection, and for the research and development of potential new energy services for customer participants. The act is set to take effect upon its passage.

The fiscal note attached to the bill indicates that there is an indeterminable impact on state, county, and local revenues, but it specifies that there will be no new expenditures or appropriations required by the state, and no new positions will be authorized to implement the bill. The bill relates to how a municipal host involved in net energy metering is compensated when offsetting the group load of a municipal or county aggregation, rather than individual customer accounts. The Department of Energy notes that the final compensation design by the municipal or county aggregator will determine any revenue impact. The Public Utilities Commission states there would be no fiscal impact on the Commission and has no information on any potential fiscal impact at the county or local level.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 362-A:1-a, 362-A:9
As Amended by the House: 53-E:4
Version adopted by both bodies: 53-E:4