The bill proposes amendments to the rights of abutters in the context of zoning decisions and appeals to the board of adjustment. Specifically, it changes who may appeal to the board of adjustment by replacing "any person aggrieved" with "the applicant, an abutter as defined by RSA 672:3," thereby narrowing the scope of who can appeal a decision to those directly involved or neighboring the property in question. Additionally, it amends the process for requesting a rehearing of zoning decisions, allowing abutters as defined by RSA 672:3 to apply for a rehearing within 30 days of the decision, specifying the grounds for the rehearing.

The bill also expands the definition of "abutter" in RSA 672:3 to include any person whose property is directly across the street or stream from the land under consideration, with specific criteria for determining who qualifies as directly across. This includes properties along the street or stream between projected points from the applicant's property or within 50 feet of any projected point. The definition also addresses how abutters are notified in cases of condominium or other collective forms of ownership, as well as manufactured housing parks. The act is set to take effect 60 days after its passage.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 676:5, 677:2, 672:3
Version adopted by both bodies: 676:5, 677:2, 672:3