HB 1559-FN is a comprehensive bill that makes several amendments to New Hampshire laws, including the repeal of RSA 399-F related to cash dispensing machines. The bill introduces a new benefit for group II members of the New Hampshire Retirement System who retire due to incapacitation from a violent act. It amends RSA 100-A:6, II to specify eligibility for retirement due to incapacitation from a violent attack with a deadly weapon that results in serious bodily injury. The bill outlines eligibility criteria, such as permanent incapacity, certification by the commissioner of safety, and compensability by the employer or insurance carrier. It sets the violent accidental disability retirement allowance to be the greater of the member's last 12 months of earnable compensation or $75,000 annually. The bill also provides for a hearing process for denied benefits and allows members who retired under accidental disability on or after July 1, 2018, to apply for the new benefit, with approved benefits modified retroactively.

Furthermore, the bill amends RSA 100-A:6-a and RSA 100-A:6, III(b)(4) to include the new violent accidental disability benefits in the maximum retirement benefit calculation and to exempt beneficiaries from reductions for gainful occupation. It also amends RSA 100-A:12, II to include these retirement allowance payments in the benefits payable upon the death of a retired group II member. The bill establishes the New Hampshire Canadian Trade Council, authorizing it to raise and accept funds, and creates a dedicated fund in the state treasury for the council's administrative costs. It also amends RSA 100-A:52 to include members retired on a violent accidental disability retirement allowance in the medical benefits payable by the retirement system, setting maximum monthly payments for those with and without Medicare benefits. The effective dates for the bill's provisions are staggered, with most sections effective July 1, 2024, and others on July 12 and September 10, 2024.

Statutes affected:
As Amended by the Senate: 100-A:6-a, 100-A:6, 100-A:12, 100-A:52, 100-A:55, 21-I:30, 12-O:22, 6:12
Version adopted by both bodies: 100-A:6-a, 100-A:6, 100-A:12, 100-A:52, 100-A:55, 21-I:30, 12-O:22, 6:12
CHAPTERED FINAL VERSION: 100-A:6-a, 100-A:6, 100-A:12, 100-A:52, 100-A:55, 21-I:30, 12-O:22, 6:12