This bill authorizes the commissioner of the department of education to issue subpoenas for persons and for the production of documents, tangible objects, and other items and things whenever there is reason to believe that a violation of the code of conduct for New Hampshire educators has occurred. The bill specifies various situations in which the commissioner may issue subpoenas, including alleged sexual assault, physical assault, endangerment or cruelty, violation of employment laws, possession or impairment due to drugs or alcohol, violation of restraint or seclusion laws, failure to report criminal convictions or license suspensions, failure to provide appropriate supervision, furnishing alcohol or drugs to students, solicitation or participation in romantic or sexual relationships with students, and failure to report suspected abuse or neglect. The bill also establishes conditions for the issuance of subpoenas, including the time frame for compliance and the method of service.

Additionally, the bill adds a new paragraph to RSA 91-A:5 to exempt records from investigations related to the code of conduct for licensed or certified educational personnel, as well as board or hearing officer records from adjudicatory proceedings involving the credential holder when such proceedings are not open to the public, from public access.

This bill will take effect 60 days after its passage.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 21-N:4, 91-A:5