HB 1283-FN is a legislative bill that introduces a new chapter titled "End of Life Options" to provide a legal framework for terminally ill adults to receive medical assistance in dying by self-administering prescribed medication. The bill defines necessary terms and sets forth eligibility criteria, including being an adult with mental capacity, having a terminal illness with a prognosis of 6 months or less, and making a voluntary and informed request without coercion. Health care providers must document their determination of the patient's eligibility and obtain confirmation from a consulting provider. Patients must complete a formal request form, and the bill imposes reporting requirements and penalties for misuse or noncompliance. However, the summary does not specify any insertions or deletions to current law.
The bill also details the process for requesting medical assistance in dying, including the signing of a request form in the presence of two witnesses and a mandatory 48-hour waiting period after the prescription is written, unless the patient is expected to die within that period. It sets a standard of care, requires mental health professional referrals when necessary, and provides immunities for individuals and health care providers who participate in or refuse to participate in the process for conscience reasons. The bill prohibits certain acts related to medical assistance in dying, such as coercion or altering a request, with violators subject to a class B felony. It ensures that the act of requesting or rescinding a request does not affect contracts, wills, or insurance policies, and requires that death certificates reflect the underlying terminal disease. The bill is set to take effect on January 1, 2025, and includes a severability clause and fiscal notes regarding its financial impact.