This bill establishes a stakeholder's group to address utility poles and attachments in the state of New Hampshire. The stakeholder's group will be under the direction of the director of the division of enforcement in the department of energy. The group will consist of various members, including representatives from the public utilities commission, the department of transportation, the New Hampshire Municipal Association, and different companies owning poles in New Hampshire. The responsibilities of the stakeholder's group include increasing utilization and improving functionality of attachment management systems, exploring enhancements to attachment management systems, and addressing specific PUC rules regarding pole transfers. The stakeholder's group will report on its activities to the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the chairs of the senate and house committees with jurisdiction over energy and utilities. The stakeholder's group is repealed in 2029.

Section 2 of the bill repeals the utility pole stakeholder's group in 2029. The effective date of this section is July 1, 2029. The remainder of the bill takes effect 60 days after its passage, which is August 29, 2023.