This bill amends existing law by removing the requirement for the Department of Environmental Services to be involved in the annual reporting on the effectiveness of the system benefits charge. The responsibility for submitting the report will now solely rest with the Department of Energy. The report is to be submitted to the house science, technology, and energy committee, and the senate energy and natural resources committee by October 1 of each year.

The legal language being deleted from the current law is the mention of the "department of environmental services and the" in the section that specifies which departments are responsible for the report. The bill was approved on August 4, 2023, and will take effect on October 3, 2023, which is 60 days after its passage.

Statutes affected:
As Amended by the Senate: 149-M:7, 149-M:9, 485-A:12, 485-A:6, 485:61, 485-A:8