This bill amends the certification requirements for school nurses. Previously, entry-level school nurses were required to have completed a bachelor's degree in nursing. The bill changes this requirement, allowing individuals with an associate's degree in nursing to be hired as school nurses. The legal language altered in the current law includes the deletion of the word "bachelor's" and the insertion of "associate's" in reference to the level of nursing program completed.

Furthermore, the bill stipulates that all school nurses hired after August 25, 2019, who hold an associate's degree in nursing must be enrolled in a program to obtain a bachelor of science in nursing. These individuals are required to complete the bachelor's program within 6 years of their date of hire. The act repeals and reenacts RSA 200:29, IV to reflect these changes. The bill was approved on July 28, 2023, and went into effect on the same day.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 200:29
As Amended by the Senate: 200:29
As Amended by the House: 200:29
Version adopted by both bodies: 200:29