The proposed constitutional amendment, set to be voted on during the general election in November 2026, seeks to add a new section (I-32) to Article I of the Nebraska Constitution. This section would establish that all individuals have the right to a clean and healthy environment, which encompasses access to pure water, clean air, healthy soils, balanced ecosystems, a safe climate, and diverse native flora and fauna. It also emphasizes the importance of preserving the natural, cultural, scenic, recreational, and healthful qualities of the environment. Furthermore, the state and its subdivisions would be designated as trustees of Nebraska's natural resources, responsible for their conservation and protection for the benefit of both current and future generations.

The amendment's language will be presented to voters in a straightforward ballot format, asking whether they support the constitutional change that affirms the right to a healthy environment and outlines the state's role in safeguarding natural resources. The resolution aims to ensure that environmental rights are recognized and upheld within the state's legal framework, promoting a commitment to sustainability and ecological stewardship.