The Grocer Reinvestment Option Act is a newly proposed legislation aimed at supporting grocery stores in Nebraska by establishing a program to provide grants for new investments that enhance access to perishable and nutritious food. The act defines key terms such as "grocery store," "new investment," and outlines the creation of the Grocer Reinvestment Option Program, which will be administered by the Department of Economic Development. Eligible applicants must demonstrate various criteria, including being registered to do business in Nebraska, having a need in the area served, and committing to use grant funds for specific improvements. The act prioritizes applicants who can provide matching funds and accept benefits from federal nutrition programs.

Additionally, the act establishes the Grocer Reinvestment Option Fund to finance the program, with a stipulation that no more than 15% of the fund can be used for administrative costs. The fund will consist of legislative appropriations and private contributions. The Department is required to report annually on the projects funded and their impact, and any unspent grant money must be recouped and returned to the General Fund. The act also allows the Department to create rules and regulations necessary for its implementation.