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Introduced by Cavanaugh, J., 9.
Read first time July 26, 2024
1 A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to revenue and taxation; to amend sections
2 77-3509.01, 77-3509.03, 77-3510, 77-3514, and 77-3516, Reissue
3 Revised Statutes of Nebraska; sections 77-3512 and 77-3513, Revised
4 Statutes Supplement, 2023; sections 77-3501, 77-3506.03, 77-3511,
5 77-3521, and 77-3529, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska, as
6 amended by Laws 2024, LB126, sections 2, 4, 5, 7, and 10,
7 respectively; sections 77-3517 and 77-3523, Revised Statutes
8 Cumulative Supplement, 2022, as amended by Laws 2024, LB126,
9 sections 6 and 9; and sections 77-3522 and 77-4212, Revised Statutes
10 Supplement, 2023, as amended by Laws 2024, LB126, sections 8 and 11;
11 to state findings and declarations; to create a homestead exemption;
12 to harmonize provisions; to provide an operative date; and to repeal
13 the original sections.
14 Be it enacted by the people of the State of Nebraska,
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1 Section 1. Section 77-3501, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska, as
2 amended by Laws 2024, LB126, section 2, is amended to read:
3 77-3501 For purposes of sections 77-3501 to 77-3529, and section 3
4 of this act, and section 3 of this act, unless the context otherwise
5 requires, the definitions found in sections 77-3501.01 to 77-3505.05 and
6 section 3 of this act shall be used.
7 Sec. 2. Section 77-3506.03, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska, as
8 amended by Laws 2024, LB126, section 4, is amended to read:
9 77-3506.03 (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section,
10 for homesteads valued at or above the maximum value, the exempt amount
11 for any exemption under section 77-3507 or 77-3508 shall be reduced by
12 ten percent for each two thousand five hundred dollars of value by which
13 the homestead exceeds the maximum value and any homestead which exceeds
14 the maximum value by twenty thousand dollars or more is not eligible for
15 any exemption under section 77-3507 or 77-3508.
16 (2)(a) For homesteads valued at or above the maximum value, the
17 exempt amount shall not be reduced and the homestead shall remain
18 eligible for an exemption under section 77-3507 or 77-3508 for the
19 current year if the homestead:
20 (i) Received an exemption under section 77-3507 or 77-3508 in the
21 previous year;
22 (ii) Was valued below the maximum value in such previous year; and
23 (iii) Is not ineligible for an exemption under section 77-3507 or
24 77-3508 for any reason other than as provided in subsection (1) of this
25 section.
26 (b) If a homestead remains eligible for an exemption under
27 subdivision (a) of this subsection for any year, the homestead shall
28 continue to be eligible for each year thereafter unless the homestead is
29 not eligible for such exemption for any reason other than as provided in
30 subsection (1) of this section.
31 (c) The percentage of the exempt amount for a homestead for any year
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1 such homestead is valued at or above the maximum value and remains
2 eligible for exemption under this subsection shall be equal to the
3 percentage of the exempt amount for the homestead in the last year the
4 homestead received an exemption under section 77-3507 or 77-3508 and was
5 valued below the maximum value.
6 (d) If the homestead's increase in value from the previous year to a
7 value at or above the maximum value is due to improvements to the
8 homestead, this subsection shall not apply to such homestead.
9 (3) This section shall not apply to any exemption under section
10 77-3506 or section 3 of this act.
11 Sec. 3. (1) The Legislature finds and declares that:
12 (a) Pursuant to Article VIII, section 2, of the Constitution of
13 Nebraska, the Legislature may exempt from taxation a portion of the value
14 of any residence actually occupied as a homestead by any classification
15 of owners;
16 (b) The existing homestead exemption system should be protected and
17 expanded; and
18 (c) Exempting a larger portion of homesteads from taxation will
19 provide broad-based property tax relief to Nebraska residents.
20 (2) All homesteads in this state shall be assessed for taxation the
21 same as other property, except that commencing January, 1, 2025, there
22 shall be exempt from taxation of homesteads the first one hundred
23 thousand dollars of the actual value of the homestead.
24 (3) The exemptions in sections 77-3506, 77-3507, and 77-3508 shall
25 be in addition to the exemption described in subsection (2) of this
26 section.
27 Sec. 4. Section 77-3509.01, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska, is
28 amended to read:
29 77-3509.01 If an owner of a homestead applies for an exemption under
30 section 77-3506, 77-3507, or 77-3508 or section 3 of this act for any
31 year and such owner subsequently becomes the owner of another homestead
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1 prior to August 15 of such year, the owner may file an application with
2 the county assessor of the county where the new homestead is located for
3 a transfer of the exemption to the new homestead. The owner shall file
4 the application for transfer with the county assessor on or before August
5 15 of such year or within thirty days after receiving a notice of
6 rejection on the owner's application for exemption for the original
7 homestead. The county assessor shall examine each application for
8 transfer and determine whether or not the new homestead, except for the
9 January 1 through August 15 ownership and occupancy requirement and the
10 income requirements, is eligible for exemption under section 77-3506,
11 77-3507, or 77-3508 or section 3 of this act. If the application for
12 transfer is approved by the county assessor, he or she shall make a
13 deduction upon the assessment rolls using the same criteria as previously
14 applied to the original homestead. The county assessor may allow the
15 application for transfer to also be considered an application for a
16 homestead exemption for the subsequent year.
17 Sec. 5. Section 77-3509.03, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska, is
18 amended to read:
19 77-3509.03 All property tax statements for homesteads granted an
20 exemption in sections 77-3506, 77-3507, and 77-3508 and section 3 of this
21 act shall show the amount of the exemption, the tax that would otherwise
22 be due, and a statement that the tax loss shall be reimbursed by the
23 state as a homestead exemption.
24 Sec. 6. Section 77-3510, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska, is
25 amended to read:
26 77-3510 On or before February 1 of each year, the Tax Commissioner
27 shall prescribe forms to be used by all claimants for homestead exemption
28 or for transfer of homestead exemption. Such forms shall contain
29 provisions for the showing of all information which the Tax Commissioner
30 may deem necessary to (1) enable the county officials and the Tax
31 Commissioner to determine whether each claim for exemption under sections
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1 77-3506, 77-3507, and 77-3508 and section 3 of this act should be allowed
2 and (2) enable the county assessor to determine whether each claim for
3 transfer of homestead exemption pursuant to section 77-3509.01 should be
4 allowed. It shall be the duty of the county assessor of each county in
5 this state to furnish such forms, upon request, to each person desiring
6 to make application for homestead exemption or for transfer of homestead
7 exemption. The forms so prescribed shall be used uniformly throughout the
8 state, and no application for exemption or for transfer of homestead
9 exemption shall be allowed unless the applicant uses the prescribed form
10 in making an application. The forms shall require the attachment of an
11 income statement for any applicant seeking an exemption under section
12 77-3507 or 77-3508 as prescribed by the Tax Commissioner fully accounting
13 for all household income. The Tax Commissioner shall provide to each
14 county assessor claim forms and address lists of applicants from the
15 prior year in the manner approved by the Tax Commissioner. The
16 application and information contained on any attachments to the
17 application shall be confidential and available to tax officials only.
18 Sec. 7. Section 77-3511, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska, as
19 amended by Laws 2024, LB126, section 5, is amended to read:
20 77-3511 The application for homestead exemption or for transfer of
21 homestead exemption shall be signed by the owner of the property who
22 qualifies for exemption under sections 77-3501 to 77-3529, and section 3
23 of this act, and section 3 of this act unless the owner is an incompetent
24 or unable to make such application, in which case it shall be signed by
25 the guardian. If an owner who in all respects qualifies for a homestead
26 exemption under such sections dies after January 1 and before the last
27 day for filing an application for a homestead exemption and before
28 applying for a homestead exemption, his or her personal representative
29 may file the application for exemption on or before the last day for
30 filing an application for a homestead exemption of that year if the
31 surviving spouse of such owner continues to occupy the homestead. Any
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1 exemption granted as a result of such application signed by a personal
2 representative shall be in effect for only the year in which the owner
3 died.
4 Sec. 8. Section 77-3512, Revised Statutes Supplement, 2023, is
5 amended to read:
6 77-3512 (1) It shall be the duty of each owner who wants a homestead
7 exemption under section 77-3506, 77-3507, or 77-3508 or section 3 of this
8 act to file an application therefor with the county assessor of the
9 county in which the homestead is located after February 1 and on or
10 before June 30 of each year, except that:
11 (a) The county board of the county in which the homestead is located
12 may, by majority vote, extend the deadline for an applicant to on or
13 before July 20. An extension shall not be granted to an applicant who
14 received an extension in the immediately preceding year;
15 (b) An owner may file a late application pursuant to section
16 77-3514.01 if he or she includes documentation of a medical condition
17 which impaired the owner's ability to file the application in a timely
18 manner;
19 (c) An owner may file a late application pursuant to section
20 77-3514.01 if he or she includes a copy of the death certificate of a
21 spouse who died during the year for which the exemption is requested;
22 (d) A veteran qualifying for a homestead exemption under subdivision
23 (2)(a) of section 77-3506 shall only be required to file an application
24 in every subsequent year evenly divisible by five; and
25 (e) If a veteran who has been granted a homestead exemption under
26 subdivision (2)(a) of section 77-3506 dies during the five-year exemption
27 period, the surviving spouse of such veteran shall continue to receive
28 such exemption for the remainder of the five-year exemption period. After
29 the expiration of the five-year exemption period, the surviving spouse
30 shall be required to file for an exemption under subdivision (2)(b) of
31 section 77-3506 on an annual basis.
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1 (2) Failure to file an application as required in subsection (1) of
2 this section shall constitute a waiver of the exemption for the year in
3 which the failure occurred.
4 Sec. 9. Section 77-3513, Revised Statutes Supplement, 2023, is
5 amended to read:
6 77-3513 The county assessor shall mail a notice on or before April 1
7 to claimants who are the owners of a homestead which was granted an
8 exemption under section 77-3506, 77-3507, or 77-3508 or section 3 of this
9 act and who are required to refile for such exemption in the current year
10 unless the claimant has already filed the application for the current
11 year or the county assessor has reason to believe there has been a change
12 of circumstances so that the claimant no longer qualifies. The notice
13 shall include the claimant's name, the application deadlines for the
14 current year, a list of documents that must be filed with the
15 application, and the county assessor's office address and telephone
16 number.
17 Sec. 10. Section 77-3514, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska, is
18 amended to read:
19 77-3514 A claimant who is the owner of a homestead which has been
20 granted an exemption under section 77-3506, 77-3507, or 77-3508 or
21 section 3 of this act may notify the county assessor by August 15 of each
22 year of any change in the homestead exemption status occurring in the
23 preceding portion of the calendar year as a result of a transfer of the
24 homestead exemption pursuant to sections 77-3509.01 and 77-3509.02. If by
25 his or her failure to give such notice any property owner permits the
26 allowance of the homestead exemption for any year after the homestead
27 exemption status of such property has changed, an amount equal to the
28 amount of the taxes lawfully due but not paid by reason of such unlawful
29 and improper allowance of homestead exemption, together with penalty and
30 interest on such total sum as provided by statute on delinquent ad
31 valorem taxes, shall be due and shall upon entry of the amount thereof on
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1 the books of the county treasurer be a lien on such property while
2 unpaid. Such lien may be enforced in the manner provided for liens for
3 other delinquent taxes. Any person who has permitted the improper and
4 unlawful allowance of such homestead exemption on his or her property
5 shall, as an additional penalty, also forfeit his or her right to a
6 homestead exemption on any property in this state for the two succeeding
7 years.
8 Sec. 11. Section 77-3516, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska, is
9 amended to read:
10 77-3516 The county assessor shall examine each application for
11 homestead exemption filed with him or her for an exemption pursuant to
12 section 77-3506, 77-3507, or 77-3508 or section 3 of this act and shall
13 determine, except for the income requirements, whether or not such
14 application should be approved or rejected. If the application is
15 approved, the county assessor shall mark the same approved and sign the
16 application. In case he or she finds that the exemption should not be
17 allowed by reason of not being in conformity to law, the county assessor
18 shall mark the application rejected, state thereon the reason for such
19 rejection, and sign the application. In any case when the county assessor
20 rejects an application for exemption, he or she shall notify the
21 applicant of such action by mailing written notice to the applicant at
22 the address shown in the application within ten days after the