2024 2024
Introduced by Blood, 3.
Read first time July 25, 2024
Committee: Executive Board
1 A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to the Constitution of Nebraska; to amend
2 section 49-202.01, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska; to change
3 requirements relating to proposals for constitutional amendments
4 submitted by the Legislature; to repeal the original section; and to
5 declare an emergency.
6 Be it enacted by the people of the State of Nebraska,
2024 2024
1 Section 1. Section 49-202.01, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska,
2 is amended to read:
3 49-202.01 (1) When any proposal submitted by the Legislature is
4 placed on the ballot for a vote of the electorate of the entire state, a
5 statement in clear, concise language explaining the effect of a vote for
6 and a vote against the proposal shall be printed immediately preceding
7 the ballot title. Such statement shall be prepared by the Executive Board
8 of the Legislative Council and submitted to the Secretary of State at
9 least four months prior to the general election for certification to the
10 election commissioners and county clerks along with the ballot titles as
11 follows:
12 (a) For a proposal submitted by the Legislature during a regular
13 session of the Legislature, such statement shall be submitted to the
14 Secretary of State at least four months prior to the general election;
15 and
16 (b) For a proposal submitted by the Legislature during a special
17 session of the Legislature, such statement shall be submitted to the
18 Secretary of State at least sixty days prior to the general election.
19 (2) The . Such statement shall be printed in italics and shall be so
20 worded as to not be intentionally an argument or likely to create
21 prejudice either for or against the proposal. The statement shall also be
22 published in italics preceding the ballot title on each proposal
23 published pursuant to section 49-202.
24 (3) (2) The four-month or sixty-day requirement prescribed in
25 subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to any legislative
26 proposal submitted to the electorate at a special election as provided in
27 Article XVI, section 1, of the Constitution of Nebraska.
28 Sec. 2. Original section 49-202.01, Reissue Revised Statutes of
29 Nebraska, is repealed.
30 Sec. 3. Since an emergency exists, this act takes effect when
31 passed and approved according to law.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 49-202.01