2024 2024
Introduced by Hughes, 24; Brandt, 32; Conrad, 46; Dorn, 30.
Read first time July 25, 2024
Committee: Revenue
1 A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to school funding; to amend sections
2 79-1005.01, 79-1007.11, 79-1007.18, 79-1016, and 81-12,193, Revised
3 Statutes Cumulative Supplement, 2022; sections 77-3442, 77-6703,
4 79-1001, 79-3402, and 79-3406, Revised Statutes Supplement, 2023;
5 and section 79-1021, Revised Statutes Supplement, 2023, as amended
6 by Laws 2024, LB1284, section 12; to change provisions relating to
7 property tax levies for school districts and the Nebraska Property
8 Tax Incentive Act; to add, change, and eliminate certain
9 calculations under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities
10 Support Act; to state intent regarding transfers into the Education
11 Future Fund; to authorize school districts to levy taxes under
12 certain circumstances; to change provisions relating to the School
13 District Property Tax Limitation Act and the Nebraska
14 Transformational Project Fund; to harmonize provisions; and to
15 repeal the original sections.
16 Be it enacted by the people of the State of Nebraska,
2024 2024
1 Section 1. Section 77-3442, Revised Statutes Supplement, 2023, is
2 amended to read:
3 77-3442 (1) Property tax levies for the support of local governments
4 for fiscal years beginning on or after July 1, 1998, shall be limited to
5 the amounts set forth in this section except as provided in section
6 77-3444.
7 (2)(a) Except as provided in subdivisions (2)(b) and (2)(e) of this
8 section, school districts and multiple-district school systems may levy a
9 maximum levy of:
10 (i) Through fiscal year 2024-25, one dollar and five cents per one
11 hundred dollars of taxable valuation of property subject to the levy; .
12 (ii) For fiscal years 2025-26 and 2026-27, sixty-five cents per one
13 hundred dollars of taxable valuation of property subject to the levy;
14 (iii) For fiscal years 2027-28 and 2028-29, fifty-five cents per one
15 hundred dollars of taxable valuation of property subject to the levy;
16 (iv) For fiscal years 2029-30 and 2030-31, forty-five cents per one
17 hundred dollars of taxable valuation of property subject to the levy;
18 (v) For fiscal years 2031-32 and 2032-33, thirty-five cents per one
19 hundred dollars of taxable valuation of property subject to the levy; and
20 (vi) For fiscal year 2033-34 and each fiscal year thereafter,
21 twenty-five cents per one hundred dollars of taxable valuation of
22 property subject to the levy.
23 (b) For each fiscal year prior to fiscal year 2017-18, learning
24 communities may levy a maximum levy for the general fund budgets of
25 member school districts of ninety-five cents per one hundred dollars of
26 taxable valuation of property subject to the levy. The proceeds from the
27 levy pursuant to this subdivision shall be distributed pursuant to
28 section 79-1073.
29 (c) Except as provided in subdivision (2)(e) of this section, for
30 each fiscal year prior to fiscal year 2017-18, school districts that are
31 members of learning communities may levy for purposes of such districts'
2024 2024
1 general fund budget and special building funds a maximum combined levy of
2 the difference of one dollar and five cents on each one hundred dollars
3 of taxable property subject to the levy minus the learning community levy
4 pursuant to subdivision (2)(b) of this section for such learning
5 community.
6 (d) Excluded from the limitations in subdivisions (2)(a) and (2)(c)
7 of this section are (i) amounts levied to pay for current and future sums
8 agreed to be paid by a school district to certificated employees in
9 exchange for a voluntary termination of employment occurring prior to
10 September 1, 2017, (ii) amounts levied by a school district otherwise at
11 the maximum levy pursuant to subdivision (2)(a) of this section to pay
12 for current and future qualified voluntary termination incentives for
13 certificated teachers pursuant to subsection (3) of section 79-8,142 that
14 are not otherwise included in an exclusion pursuant to subdivision (2)(d)
15 of this section, (iii) amounts levied by a school district otherwise at
16 the maximum levy pursuant to subdivision (2)(a) of this section to pay
17 for seventy-five percent of the current and future sums agreed to be paid
18 to certificated employees in exchange for a voluntary termination of
19 employment occurring between September 1, 2017, and August 31, 2018, as a
20 result of a collective-bargaining agreement in force and effect on
21 September 1, 2017, that are not otherwise included in an exclusion
22 pursuant to subdivision (2)(d) of this section, (iv) amounts levied by a
23 school district otherwise at the maximum levy pursuant to subdivision (2)
24 (a) of this section to pay for fifty percent of the current and future
25 sums agreed to be paid to certificated employees in exchange for a
26 voluntary termination of employment occurring between September 1, 2018,
27 and August 31, 2019, as a result of a collective-bargaining agreement in
28 force and effect on September 1, 2017, that are not otherwise included in
29 an exclusion pursuant to subdivision (2)(d) of this section, (v) amounts
30 levied by a school district otherwise at the maximum levy pursuant to
31 subdivision (2)(a) of this section to pay for twenty-five percent of the
2024 2024
1 current and future sums agreed to be paid to certificated employees in
2 exchange for a voluntary termination of employment occurring between
3 September 1, 2019, and August 31, 2020, as a result of a collective-
4 bargaining agreement in force and effect on September 1, 2017, that are
5 not otherwise included in an exclusion pursuant to subdivision (2)(d) of
6 this section, (vi) amounts levied in compliance with sections 79-10,110
7 and 79-10,110.02, and (vii) amounts levied to pay for special building
8 funds and sinking funds established for projects commenced prior to April
9 1, 1996, for construction, expansion, or alteration of school district
10 buildings. For purposes of this subsection, commenced means any action
11 taken by the school board on the record which commits the board to expend
12 district funds in planning, constructing, or carrying out the project.
13 (e) Federal aid school districts may exceed the maximum levy
14 prescribed by subdivision (2)(a) or (2)(c) of this section only to the
15 extent necessary to qualify to receive federal aid pursuant to Title VIII
16 of Public Law 103-382, as such title existed on September 1, 2001. For
17 purposes of this subdivision, federal aid school district means any
18 school district which receives ten percent or more of the revenue for its
19 general fund budget from federal government sources pursuant to Title
20 VIII of Public Law 103-382, as such title existed on September 1, 2001.
21 (f) For each fiscal year, learning communities may levy a maximum
22 levy of one-half cent on each one hundred dollars of taxable property
23 subject to the levy for elementary learning center facility leases, for
24 remodeling of leased elementary learning center facilities, and for up to
25 fifty percent of the estimated cost for focus school or program capital
26 projects approved by the learning community coordinating council pursuant
27 to section 79-2111.
28 (g) For each fiscal year, learning communities may levy a maximum
29 levy of one and one-half cents on each one hundred dollars of taxable
30 property subject to the levy for early childhood education programs for
31 children in poverty, for elementary learning center employees, for
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1 contracts with other entities or individuals who are not employees of the
2 learning community for elementary learning center programs and services,
3 and for pilot projects, except that no more than ten percent of such levy
4 may be used for elementary learning center employees.
5 (3) For each fiscal year through fiscal year 2023-24, community
6 college areas may levy the levies provided in subdivisions (2)(a) through
7 (c) of section 85-1517, in accordance with the provisions of such
8 subdivisions. For fiscal year 2024-25 and each fiscal year thereafter,
9 community college areas may levy the levies provided in subdivisions (2)
10 (a) and (b) of section 85-1517, in accordance with the provisions of such
11 subdivisions. A community college area may exceed the levy provided in
12 subdivision (2)(a) of section 85-1517 by the amount necessary to generate
13 sufficient revenue as described in section 85-1543 or 85-2238. A
14 community college area may exceed the levy provided in subdivision (2)(b)
15 of section 85-1517 by the amount necessary to retire general obligation
16 bonds assumed by the community college area or issued pursuant to section
17 85-1515 according to the terms of such bonds or for any obligation
18 pursuant to section 85-1535 entered into prior to January 1, 1997.
19 (4)(a) Natural resources districts may levy a maximum levy of four
20 and one-half cents per one hundred dollars of taxable valuation of
21 property subject to the levy.
22 (b) Natural resources districts shall also have the power and
23 authority to levy a tax equal to the dollar amount by which their
24 restricted funds budgeted to administer and implement ground water
25 management activities and integrated management activities under the
26 Nebraska Ground Water Management and Protection Act exceed their
27 restricted funds budgeted to administer and implement ground water
28 management activities and integrated management activities for FY2003-04,
29 not to exceed one cent on each one hundred dollars of taxable valuation
30 annually on all of the taxable property within the district.
31 (c) In addition, natural resources districts located in a river
2024 2024
1 basin, subbasin, or reach that has been determined to be fully
2 appropriated pursuant to section 46-714 or designated as overappropriated
3 pursuant to section 46-713 by the Department of Natural Resources shall
4 also have the power and authority to levy a tax equal to the dollar
5 amount by which their restricted funds budgeted to administer and
6 implement ground water management activities and integrated management
7 activities under the Nebraska Ground Water Management and Protection Act
8 exceed their restricted funds budgeted to administer and implement ground
9 water management activities and integrated management activities for
10 FY2005-06, not to exceed three cents on each one hundred dollars of
11 taxable valuation on all of the taxable property within the district for
12 fiscal year 2006-07 and each fiscal year thereafter through fiscal year
13 2017-18.
14 (5) Any educational service unit authorized to levy a property tax
15 pursuant to section 79-1225 may levy a maximum levy of one and one-half
16 cents per one hundred dollars of taxable valuation of property subject to
17 the levy.
18 (6)(a) Incorporated cities and villages which are not within the
19 boundaries of a municipal county may levy a maximum levy of forty-five
20 cents per one hundred dollars of taxable valuation of property subject to
21 the levy plus an additional five cents per one hundred dollars of taxable
22 valuation to provide financing for the municipality's share of revenue
23 required under an agreement or agreements executed pursuant to the
24 Interlocal Cooperation Act or the Joint Public Agency Act. The maximum
25 levy shall include amounts levied to pay for sums to support a library
26 pursuant to section 51-201, museum pursuant to section 51-501, visiting
27 community nurse, home health nurse, or home health agency pursuant to
28 section 71-1637, or statue, memorial, or monument pursuant to section
29 80-202.
30 (b) Incorporated cities and villages which are within the boundaries
31 of a municipal county may levy a maximum levy of ninety cents per one
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1 hundred dollars of taxable valuation of property subject to the levy. The
2 maximum levy shall include amounts paid to a municipal county for county
3 services, amounts levied to pay for sums to support a library pursuant to
4 section 51-201, a museum pursuant to section 51-501, a visiting community
5 nurse, home health nurse, or home health agency pursuant to section
6 71-1637, or a statue, memorial, or monument pursuant to section 80-202.
7 (7) Sanitary and improvement districts which have been in existence
8 for more than five years may levy a maximum levy of forty cents per one
9 hundred dollars of taxable valuation of property subject to the levy, and
10 sanitary and improvement districts which have been in existence for five
11 years or less shall not have a maximum levy. Unconsolidated sanitary and
12 improvement districts which have been in existence for more than five
13 years and are located in a municipal county may levy a maximum of eighty-
14 five cents per hundred dollars of taxable valuation of property subject
15 to the levy.
16 (8) Counties may levy or authorize a maximum levy of fifty cents per
17 one hundred dollars of taxable valuation of property subject to the levy,
18 except that five cents per one hundred dollars of taxable valuation of
19 property subject to the levy may only be levied to provide financing for
20 the county's share of revenue required under an agreement or agreements
21 executed pursuant to the Interlocal Cooperation Act or the Joint Public
22 Agency Act. The maximum levy shall include amounts levied to pay for sums
23 to support a library pursuant to section 51-201 or museum pursuant to
24 section 51-501. The county may allocate up to fifteen cents of its
25 authority to other political subdivisions subject to allocation of
26 property tax authority under subsection (1) of section 77-3443 and not
27 specifically covered in this section to levy taxes as authorized by law
28 which do not collectively exceed fifteen cents per one hundred dollars of
29 taxable valuation on any parcel or item of taxable property. The county
30 may allocate to one or more other political subdivisions subject to
31 allocation of property tax authority by the county under subsection (1)
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1 of section 77-3443 some or all of the county's five cents per one hundred
2 dollars of valuation authorized for support of an agreement or agreements
3 to be levied by the political subdivision for the purpose of supporting
4 that political subdivision's share of revenue required under an agreement
5 or agreements executed pursuant to the Interlocal Cooperation Act or the
6 Joint Public Agency Act. If an allocation by a county would cause another
7 county to exceed its levy authority under this section, the second county
8 may exceed the levy authority in order to levy the amount allocated.
9 (9) Municipal counties may levy or authorize a maximum levy of one
10 dollar per one hundred dollars of taxable valuation of property subject
11 to the levy. The municipal county may allocate levy authority to any
12 political subdivision or entity subject