LB1135 LB1135
2024 2024
Introduced by Dover, 19.
Read first time January 11, 2024
Committee: Banking, Commerce and Insurance
1 A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to real property; to amend sections 81-885.01,
2 81-885.24, and 87-302, Revised Statutes Cumulative Supplement, 2022;
3 to prohibit recording right-to-list home sale agreements and certain
4 liens and encumbrances and provide for such agreements, liens, and
5 encumbrances to be void; to define a term and provide for an unfair
6 trade practice under the Nebraska Real Estate License Act; to
7 provide a deceptive trade practice under the Uniform Deceptive Trade
8 Practices Act; to provide a duty for the Revisor of Statutes; and to
9 repeal the original sections.
10 Be it enacted by the people of the State of Nebraska,
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1 Section 1. (1) No person shall present for recording, cause to be
2 presented for recording, or record in the office of the register of deeds
3 or county clerk any (a) right-to-list home sale agreement as defined in
4 section 81-885.01 or (b) lien or encumbrance resulting from such right-
5 to-list home sale agreement.
6 (2) Any right-to-list home sale agreement as defined in section
7 81-885.01 or lien or encumbrance resulting from such right-to-list home
8 sale agreement that is executed, modified, or extended after the
9 effective date of this act is void and unenforceable.
10 Sec. 2. Section 81-885.01, Revised Statutes Cumulative Supplement,
11 2022, is amended to read:
12 81-885.01 For purposes of the Nebraska Real Estate License Act,
13 unless the context otherwise requires:
14 (1) Associate broker means a person who has a broker's license and
15 who is employed by another broker to participate in any activity
16 described in subdivision (2) of this section;
17 (1) Real estate means and includes condominiums and leaseholds, as
18 well as any other interest or estate in land, whether corporeal,
19 incorporeal, freehold, or nonfreehold, and whether the real estate is
20 situated in this state or elsewhere;
21 (2) Broker means any person who, for any form of compensation or
22 consideration or with the intent or expectation of receiving the same
23 from another, negotiates or attempts to negotiate the listing, sale,
24 purchase, exchange, rent, lease, or option for any real estate or
25 improvements thereon, or assists in procuring prospects or holds himself
26 or herself out as a referral agent for the purpose of securing prospects
27 for the listing, sale, purchase, exchange, renting, leasing, or optioning
28 of any real estate or collects rents or attempts to collect rents, gives
29 a broker's price opinion or comparative market analysis, or holds himself
30 or herself out as engaged in any of the foregoing. Broker also includes
31 any person: (a) Employed, by or on behalf of the owner or owners of lots
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1 or other parcels of real estate, for any form of compensation or
2 consideration to sell such real estate or any part thereof in lots or
3 parcels or make other disposition thereof; (b) who auctions, offers,
4 attempts, or agrees to auction real estate; or (c) who buys or offers to
5 buy or sell or otherwise deals in options to buy real estate;
6 (3) Broker's price opinion means an analysis, opinion, or conclusion
7 prepared by a person licensed under the Nebraska Real Estate License Act
8 in the ordinary course of his or her business relating to the price of
9 specified interests in or aspects of identified real estate or identified
10 real property for the purpose of (a) listing, purchase, or sale, (b)
11 originating, extending, renewing, or modifying a loan in a transaction
12 other than a federally related transaction, or (c) real property tax
13 appeals;
14 (3) Associate broker means a person who has a broker's license and
15 who is employed by another broker to participate in any activity
16 described in subdivision (2) of this section;
17 (4) Commission means the State Real Estate Commission;
18 (5) Comparative market analysis means an analysis, opinion, or
19 conclusion prepared by a person licensed under the act in the ordinary
20 course of his or her business relating to the price of specified
21 interests in or aspects of identified real estate or identified real
22 property by comparison to other real property currently or recently in
23 the marketplace for the purpose of (a) listing, purchase, or sale, (b)
24 originating, extending, renewing, or modifying a loan in a transaction
25 other than a federally related transaction, or (c) real property tax
26 appeals;
27 (6) (4) Designated broker means an individual holding a broker's
28 license who has full authority to conduct the real estate activities of a
29 real estate business. In a sole proprietorship, the owner, or broker
30 identified by the owner, shall be the designated broker. In the event the
31 owner identifies the designated broker, the owner shall file a statement
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1 with the commission subordinating to the designated broker full authority
2 to conduct the real estate activities of the sole proprietorship. In a
3 partnership, limited liability company, or corporation, the partners,
4 limited liability company members, or board of directors shall identify
5 the designated broker for its real estate business by filing a statement
6 with the commission subordinating to the designated broker full authority
7 to conduct the real estate activities of the partnership, limited
8 liability company, or corporation. The designated broker shall also be
9 responsible for supervising the real estate activities of any associate
10 brokers or salespersons;
11 (7) Distance education means courses in which instruction does not
12 take place in a traditional classroom setting, but rather through other
13 media by which instructor and student are separated by distance and
14 sometimes by time;
15 (8) Federal financial institution regulatory agency means (a) the
16 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, (b) the Federal Deposit
17 Insurance Corporation, (c) the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency,
18 (d) the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, (e) the National Credit
19 Union Administration, or (f) the successors of any of those agencies;
20 (9) Federally related transaction means a real-estate-related
21 transaction that (a) requires the services of an appraiser and (b) is
22 engaged in, contracted for, or regulated by a federal financial
23 institution regulatory agency;
24 (10) (5) Inactive broker means an associate broker whose license has
25 been returned to the commission by the licensee's broker, a broker who
26 has requested the commission to place the license on inactive status, a
27 new licensee who has failed to designate an employing broker or have the
28 license issued as an individual broker, or a broker whose license has
29 been placed on inactive status under statute, rule, or regulation;
30 (6) Salesperson means any person, other than an associate broker,
31 who is employed by a broker to participate in any activity described in
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1 subdivision (2) of this section;
2 (11) (7) Inactive salesperson means a salesperson whose license has
3 been returned to the commission by the licensee's broker, a salesperson
4 who has requested the commission to place the license on inactive status,
5 a new licensee who has failed to designate an employing broker, or a
6 salesperson whose license has been placed on inactive status under
7 statute, rule, or regulation;
8 (12) (8) Person means and includes individuals, corporations,
9 partnerships, and limited liability companies, except that when referring
10 to a person licensed under the act, it means an individual;
11 (13) Purchaser means a person who acquires or attempts to acquire or
12 succeeds to an interest in land;
13 (14) Real estate means and includes condominiums and leaseholds, as
14 well as any other interest or estate in land, whether corporeal,
15 incorporeal, freehold, or nonfreehold, and whether the real estate is
16 situated in this state or elsewhere;
17 (15) Regulatory jurisdiction means a state, district, or territory
18 of the United States, a province of Canada or a foreign country, or a
19 political subdivision of a foreign country, which has implemented and
20 administers laws regulating the activities of a broker;
21 (16) Right-to-list home sale agreement means an agreement:
22 (a) By the owner of residential real estate to provide another
23 person with the exclusive right to list such residential real estate for
24 sale at a future date in exchange for monetary consideration or an
25 equivalent to monetary consideration; and
26 (b)(i) That states that the agreement runs with the land or
27 otherwise purports to bind future owners of such residential real estate;
28 or
29 (ii) That purports to be a lien, encumbrance, or other real property
30 security interest;
31 (17) Salesperson means any person, other than an associate broker,
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1 who is employed by a broker to participate in any activity described in
2 subdivision (2) of this section;
3 (18) Subdivider means any person who causes land to be subdivided
4 into a subdivision for himself, herself, or others or who undertakes to
5 develop a subdivision but does not include a public agency or officer
6 authorized by law to create subdivisions;
7 (19) Subdivision or subdivided land means any real estate offered
8 for sale and which has been registered under the Interstate Land Sales
9 Full Disclosure Act, 15 U.S.C. 1701 et seq., as such act existed on
10 January 1, 1973, or real estate located out of this state which is
11 divided or proposed to be divided into twenty-five or more lots, parcels,
12 or units;
13 (20) (9) Team means two or more persons licensed by the commission
14 who (a) work under the supervision of the same broker, (b) work together
15 on real estate transactions to provide real estate brokerage services,
16 (c) represent themselves to the public as being part of a team, and (d)
17 are designated by a team name; and
18 (21) (10) Team leader means any person licensed by the commission
19 and appointed or recognized by his or her broker as the leader for his or
20 her team. ;
21 (11) Subdivision or subdivided land means any real estate offered
22 for sale and which has been registered under the Interstate Land Sales
23 Full Disclosure Act, 15 U.S.C. 1701 et seq., as such act existed on
24 January 1, 1973, or real estate located out of this state which is
25 divided or proposed to be divided into twenty-five or more lots, parcels,
26 or units;
27 (12) Subdivider means any person who causes land to be subdivided
28 into a subdivision for himself, herself, or others or who undertakes to
29 develop a subdivision but does not include a public agency or officer
30 authorized by law to create subdivisions;
31 (13) Purchaser means a person who acquires or attempts to acquire or
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1 succeeds to an interest in land;
2 (14) Commission means the State Real Estate Commission;
3 (15) Broker's price opinion means an analysis, opinion, or
4 conclusion prepared by a person licensed under the Nebraska Real Estate
5 License Act in the ordinary course of his or her business relating to the
6 price of specified interests in or aspects of identified real estate or
7 identified real property for the purpose of (a) listing, purchase, or
8 sale, (b) originating, extending, renewing, or modifying a loan in a
9 transaction other than a federally related transaction, or (c) real
10 property tax appeals;
11 (16) Comparative market analysis means an analysis, opinion, or
12 conclusion prepared by a person licensed under the act in the ordinary
13 course of his or her business relating to the price of specified
14 interests in or aspects of identified real estate or identified real
15 property by comparison to other real property currently or recently in
16 the marketplace for the purpose of (a) listing, purchase, or sale, (b)
17 originating, extending, renewing, or modifying a loan in a transaction
18 other than a federally related transaction, or (c) real property tax
19 appeals;
20 (17) Distance education means courses in which instruction does not
21 take place in a traditional classroom setting, but rather through other
22 media by which instructor and student are separated by distance and
23 sometimes by time;
24 (18) Regulatory jurisdiction means a state, district, or territory
25 of the United States, a province of Canada or a foreign country, or a
26 political subdivision of a foreign country, which has implemented and
27 administers laws regulating the activities of a broker;
28 (19) Federal financial institution regulatory agency means (a) the
29 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, (b) the Federal Deposit
30 Insurance Corporation, (c) the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency,
31 (d) the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, (e) the National Credit
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1 Union Administration, or (f) the successors of any of those agencies; and
2 (20) Federally related transaction means a real-estate-related
3 transaction that (a) requires the services of an appraiser and (b) is
4 engaged in, contracted for, or regulated by a federal financial
5 institution regulatory agency.
6 Sec. 3. Section 81-885.24, Revised Statutes Cumulative Supplement,
7 2022, is amended to read:
8 81-885.24 The commission may, upon its own motion, and shall, upon
9 the sworn complaint in writing of any person, investigate the actions of
10 any broker, associate broker, salesperson, or subdivider, may censure the
11 licensee or certificate holder, revoke or suspend any license or
12 certificate issued under the Nebraska Real Estate License Act, or enter
13 into consent orders, and, alone or in combination with such disciplinary
14 actions, may impose a civil fine on a licensee pursuant to section
15 81-885.10, whenever the license or certificate has been obtained by false
16 or fraudulent representation or the licensee or certificate holder has
17 been found guilty of any of the following unfair trade practices:
18 (1) Refusing because of religion, race, color, national origin,
19 ethnic group, sex, familial status, or disability to show, sell, or rent
20 any real estate for sale or rent to prospective purchasers or renters;
21 (2) Intentionally using advertising which is misleading or
22 inaccurate in any material particular or in any way misrepresents any
23 property, terms, values, policies, or services of the business conducted;
24 (3) Failing to account for and remit any money coming into his or
25 her possession belonging to others;
26 (4) Commingling the money or other