LB737 LB737
2023 2023
Introduced by Raybould, 28.
Read first time January 18, 2023
Committee: Government, Military and Veterans Affairs
1 A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to the Nebraska Political Accountability and
2 Disclosure Act; to amend section 49-1401, Revised Statutes
3 Cumulative Supplement, 2022; to provide a limit on contributions
4 made to a candidate committee as prescribed; to harmonize
5 provisions; and to repeal the original section.
6 Be it enacted by the people of the State of Nebraska,
LB737 LB737
2023 2023
1 Section 1. Section 49-1401, Revised Statutes Cumulative Supplement,
2 2022, is amended to read:
3 49-1401 Sections 49-1401 to 49-14,142 and section 2 of this act
4 shall be known and may be cited as the Nebraska Political Accountability
5 and Disclosure Act.
6 Sec. 2. No person shall make one or more contributions to a
7 candidate committee totaling more than one thousand dollars during an
8 election period. A candidate committee shall refund any contribution from
9 a person which exceeds a total of one thousand dollars received during an
10 election period from such person within ten days after receipt and report
11 such contribution on subsequent campaign statements disclosing the name
12 and address of the contributor, the amount received, the date of receipt,
13 and the date returned. This section does not apply to a candidate's own
14 personal funds contributed to that candidate's committee. For purposes of
15 this section, election period means the calendar year of the election.
16 Sec. 3. Original section 49-1401, Revised Statutes Cumulative
17 Supplement, 2022, is repealed.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 49-1401