The resolution calls on the Southwest Power Pool and Midcontinent Independent System Operator to take immediate action to ensure the reliability of the bulk power system in North Dakota. It highlights concerns regarding the rapid retirement of dispatchable generation resources, delays in developing replacement capacity, and an increasing reliance on intermittent energy sources, which threaten the stability of the electricity grid. The resolution emphasizes the need for reforms in market pricing mechanisms to appropriately value critical reliability attributes and to support the continued operation of essential energy resources.
Furthermore, the resolution urges the Public Service Commission and North Dakota Transmission Authority to advocate for policies that fairly compensate dispatchable base-load energy resources and accurately value all generation resources based on their contributions to grid reliability. It stresses the importance of a diversified energy strategy that includes thermal, renewable, and emerging technologies to maintain an affordable, reliable, and resilient energy grid. The resolution concludes by directing the Secretary of State to share copies with relevant federal and state agencies, as well as the North Dakota Congressional Delegation.