The bill amends section 47-32-02 of the North Dakota Century Code, which pertains to the notice of intention to evict. It establishes that in eviction actions, the summons must specify a time for the defendant's appearance that is no fewer than three days and no more than fifteen days from the issuance date. If the defendant cannot be located within the county, the bill allows for service of the summons by posting it on the door of the residential unit after an affidavit is filed by the plaintiff or their attorney.

Additionally, the bill mandates that in cases related to specific subsections of section 47-32-01, a three-day written notice of intention to evict must be provided to the lessee or party in possession before any proceedings can commence. This notice must now include information about the availability of legal services, including contact details for a nonprofit organization that assists low-income and elderly residents. The bill also clarifies the methods of serving the notice, allowing for it to be posted if the party cannot be found, and specifies the timelines for personal service of the summons.

Statutes affected:
INTRODUCED: 47-32-02