The bill amends subsection 5 of section 54-58-03 of the North Dakota Century Code to allow for a tribal-state gaming compact that permits gaming in Grand Forks County. Specifically, it stipulates that gaming may not be conducted by an Indian tribe at any off-reservation location not authorized under a tribal-state gaming compact in effect as of August 1, 1997. However, it makes an exception for the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa, allowing gaming on certain lands within Rolette County and newly specified real property in Grand Forks County, provided it receives approval from the Secretary of the Interior under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988.

The newly described real property in Grand Forks County includes specific parcels of land, detailing their locations and boundaries. The bill also includes exclusions for certain portions of the described land, ensuring clarity on the exact areas where gaming may be permitted. This amendment aims to expand the opportunities for tribal gaming while adhering to federal regulations and existing legal frameworks.

Statutes affected:
INTRODUCED: 54-58-03
Adopted by the Senate Judiciary Committee: 54-58-03
Prepared by the Legislative Council staff for Representative Meyer: 54-58-03