This bill proposes the establishment of a new section in chapter 27-11 of the North Dakota Century Code to create a state bar apprenticeship program. The program, developed by the supreme court in collaboration with the state board of law examiners, will allow applicants to qualify for the bar examination without needing a juris doctor or equivalent degree from an accredited law school. Instead, applicants must obtain a four-year college degree and complete 2,000 hours of supervised engagement with a licensed attorney or tribal advocate within a maximum of five years.

Key provisions of the apprenticeship program include the requirement for a supervising attorney or tribal advocate to verify the applicant's engagement through an affidavit, and the stipulation that the state bar board cannot demand a commencement notice, application, or registration prior to the supervised engagement. Additionally, the supreme court will review the results of the bar examination and the recommendations from the board of law examiners to determine which applicants are entitled to admission to the bar.