The bill amends section 54-17.8-06 of the North Dakota Century Code, which pertains to the North Dakota outdoor heritage advisory board. It establishes a board consisting of twelve members appointed by the governor, representing various sectors including agriculture, energy, conservation, business, and recreation. Notably, the bill adds a representative from the department of water resources as an ex officio, nonvoting technical member of the board, alongside representatives from other relevant agencies.
Additionally, the bill specifies that a grant application cannot be forwarded to the commission unless it receives a favorable recommendation from a majority of the advisory board members present at a meeting where a quorum is established. This change emphasizes the importance of majority support for grant applications, ensuring that the board's recommendations are reflective of a collective agreement among its members. The term limits for board members remain unchanged, with each serving a four-year term and a maximum of two consecutive terms.
Statutes affected: INTRODUCED: 54-17.8-06
Adopted by the House Energy and Natural Resources Committee: 54-17.8-06