This bill proposes significant reforms to the governance and administration of the North Dakota gaming commission by establishing the position of an executive director. The executive director will oversee various gaming activities, including games of chance, combative sports, pari-mutuel horse racing, and the lottery. The bill amends multiple sections of the North Dakota Century Code, replacing references to the "attorney general" with "executive director" in contexts such as the administration of combative sports and the collection of fees. It also repeals sections related to the pari-mutuel horse racing commission, aiming to streamline the regulatory framework. The executive director will be appointed by the state gaming commission, which will also determine their qualifications and salary.

Additionally, the bill outlines the qualifications and responsibilities of the executive director, including the authority to issue conditional licenses, conduct inspections, and enforce compliance with gaming regulations. It establishes a charitable gaming operating fund and details the allocation of funds, including provisions for gambling disorder prevention. The bill also clarifies the application process for permits, mandates criminal history checks for employees, and sets forth regulations for the licensing of gaming equipment manufacturers and distributors. Overall, the amendments aim to enhance the efficiency, accountability, and oversight of gaming and lottery operations in North Dakota, ensuring that funds are appropriately allocated to support community needs.

Statutes affected:
INTRODUCED: 53-01-02, 53-01-03, 53-01-07, 53-01-09, 53-01-19, 53-06.1-01, 53-06.1-01.1, 53-06.1-03, 53-06.1-06, 53-06.1-10, 53-06.1-11, 53-06.1-11.2, 53-06.1-12, 53-06.1-12.3, 53-06.1-12.4, 53-06.1-14, 53-06.1-15.1, 53-06.2-01, 53-06.2-04, 53-06.2-04.1, 53-06.2-07, 53-06.2-10.1, 53-12.1-01, 53-12.1-02, 53-12.1-03, 53-12.1-04, 53-12.1-09, 53-12.1-11, 53-12.1-13