The bill proposes the establishment of the North Dakota student teacher scholarship program, which will be administered by the state board of higher education. This program aims to provide scholarships for student teachers pursuing initial teacher licensure after graduation. The board will be responsible for distributing funds to institutions of higher education that offer state-approved teacher preparation programs and will also provide guidance to these institutions in administering the program. To qualify for the scholarship, students must be enrolled in a state-approved program, satisfactorily progressing through their studies, and not hold a teaching license. The scholarship amount will not exceed three thousand dollars and will be applied to the tuition and fees for the semester in which the student is completing their student teaching experience.

Additionally, the bill includes an appropriation of $4,200,000 from the general fund to the state board of higher education for the biennium beginning July 1, 2025, and ending June 30, 2027. This funding is designated for awarding scholarships to eligible students participating in the student teacher scholarship program.