This bill proposes the creation of a new section in chapter 15.1-07 of the North Dakota Century Code, which establishes guidelines for the employment and volunteer service of certified chaplains in public school districts. A "certified chaplain" is defined as one who is certified by a national or state chaplaincy organization or endorsed by a religious organization. The bill allows school districts to employ or accept certified chaplains to provide support and services to students, staff, and legal guardians, with the stipulation that these chaplains are not required to hold a license from the education standards and practices board.

Additionally, the bill mandates that school districts conduct criminal history record checks for all individuals hired or volunteering as chaplains, with the costs borne by the school board. It prohibits the employment of individuals who are required to register under specific criminal statutes. Importantly, the bill also provides legal protection for certified chaplains, stating that they cannot be held liable for actions taken or statements made while providing their services, unless those actions are proven to be maliciously intended to cause harm.