This bill amends and reenacts several sections of the North Dakota Century Code related to political organizations, specifically focusing on the organization and operation of party caucuses and district committees. Key amendments include the requirement for legislative district parties to hold a caucus by May 15 following the last general election and after redistricting becomes effective. The bill also introduces new provisions for issuing a call for a party caucus within thirty days of redistricting if certain geographical conditions are met. Additionally, it clarifies the roles and responsibilities of district committee members and the state committee, including the organization of the state committee and the procedures for state party conventions.

Furthermore, the bill repeals sections that pertain to district parties and committees, streamlining the legal framework governing political organizations. It also provides immunity from civil liability for officers of political party organizations, except in cases of gross negligence or misconduct. The amendments aim to enhance the clarity and efficiency of political party operations in North Dakota, ensuring that they are better aligned with current legislative practices and requirements.

Statutes affected:
INTRODUCED: 16.1-03-01, 16.1-03-07, 16.1-03-11, 16.1-03-14, 16.1-03-22
Adopted by the House Political Subdivisions Committee: 16.1-03-01, 16.1-03-07, 16.1-03-11, 16.1-03-14, 16.1-03-22
FIRST ENGROSSMENT: 16.1-03-01, 16.1-03-07, 16.1-03-11, 16.1-03-14, 16.1-03-22