This bill amends sections 39-12-05 and 39-12-05.3 of the North Dakota Century Code, which govern weight limitations for vehicles on both the interstate system and other highways. The amendments update the maximum gross weight limits for vehicles, increasing the allowable weight from eighty thousand pounds to one hundred thirteen thousand pounds for vehicles on the interstate system. Additionally, the bill specifies that two consecutive sets of tandem axles can carry a gross load of thirty-four thousand pounds each, provided the distance between the first and last axles is at least thirty-six feet.

For highways that are not part of the interstate system, the bill similarly raises the maximum gross weight limit from one hundred five thousand five hundred pounds to one hundred thirteen thousand pounds. It also clarifies that local authorities have the discretion to designate weight limits for roads under their jurisdiction, encouraging them to assess and set appropriate weight limits based on road conditions. The changes aim to provide more flexibility in vehicle weight regulations while ensuring safety on the roads.

Statutes affected:
INTRODUCED: 39-12-05, 39-12-05.3