This bill amends section 54-44.3-20 of the North Dakota Century Code, which outlines the categories of positions exempt from the employee classification system. The amendment retains most of the existing exemptions but removes the specific exemption for investment and fiscal operations positions of the state retirement and investment office that were necessary for managing the investment of funds under the control of the state investment board. This change reflects a shift in how these positions are classified within the state service.

Additionally, the bill repeals section 54-52.5-04, which previously established an incentive compensation plan for the state retirement and investment office. By removing this section, the bill eliminates the framework for such a compensation plan, potentially impacting how employees in this office are incentivized and compensated moving forward. Overall, the bill aims to streamline the classification of state positions and adjust the regulatory framework surrounding the state retirement and investment office.

Statutes affected:
INTRODUCED: 54-44.3-20, 54-52.5-04