Legislative Assembly HOUSE BILL NO. 1194
of North Dakota
Introduced by
Representatives Vetter, Christianson, Murphy, Dockter, Hauck, D. Johnston, Koppelman,
Jonas, Motschenbacher
Senators Paulson, Luick
1 A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 12.1-11-03 of the North Dakota Century Code,
2 relating to false information or false reports to law enforcement; and to provide a penalty.
4 SECTION 1. AMENDMENT. Section 12.1-11-03 of the North Dakota Century Code is
5 amended and reenacted as follows:
6 12.1-11-03. False information or report to law enforcement officers or security
7 officials.
8 A person
9 1. An individual is guilty of a class A misdemeanor if that personindividual:
10 1. a. Gives false information or a false report to a law enforcement officer which that
11 personindividual knows to be false, and the information or report may interfere
12 with an investigation or may materially mislead a law enforcement officer; or
13 2. b. Falsely reports to a law enforcement officer or other security official the
14 occurrence of a crime of violence or other incident calling for an emergency
15 response when that personindividual knows that the incident did not occur.
16 "Security official" means a public servant responsible for averting or dealing
17 withhandling emergencies involving public safety.
18 2. A law enforcement officer having knowledge of or reasonable cause to suspect an
19 individual has provided false information or a false report to a law enforcement officer
20 or security official shall report the information to the state's attorney of the county in
21 which the violation occurs.
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Statutes affected:
INTRODUCED: 12.1-11-03