Legislative Assembly HOUSE BILL NO. 1161
of North Dakota
Introduced by
Representatives Murphy, Schreiber-Beck, Warrey
Senators Bekkedahl, Dever
1 A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 15-10 of the North Dakota
2 Century Code, relating to funding for vacant full-time equivalent positions at institutions under
3 the control of the state board of higher education.
5 SECTION 1. A new section to chapter 15-10 of the North Dakota Century Code is created
6 and enacted as follows:
7 Vacant full-time equivalent position funding pool - Transfers of appropriation
8 authority - Budget section report.
9 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, on July first of each odd-numbered year,
10 each institution under the control of the state board of higher education shall transfer
11 all appropriation authority for the current biennium relating to the full-time equivalent
12 positions identified as vacant as of December first of the most recent even-numbered
13 year to the office of management and budget.
14 2. The office of management and budget shall maintain the appropriation authority in a
15 separate higher education vacant position funding pool line item designated for
16 institutions under the control of the state board of higher education as provided for in
17 this section.
18 3. An institution that transferred appropriation authority to the office of management and
19 budget under this section may submit a request to the office of management and
20 budget for an allocation of appropriation authority from the pool to provide funding for
21 the salaries and wages necessary for the biennium for filling a full-time equivalent
22 position that was vacant on December first of the most recent even-numbered year,
23 from the date of hiring through the end of the biennium or for the funding needed for
24 the hiring of a temporary employee as an alternative to filling the position.
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Legislative Assembly
1 4. The office of management and budget may transfer general fund appropriation
2 authority from the higher education vacant position funding pool to an institution only
3 upon the institution certifying to the office of management and budget that other funds
4 from federal or other sources are not available for the salaries and wages of the full-
5 time equivalent position.
6 5. An institution may not receive more funding from the pool than the amount that was
7 transferred from the institution's appropriation for vacant full-time equivalent positions.
8 6. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the office of management and budget shall
9 transfer appropriation authority from the higher education vacant position funding pool
10 to eligible institutions within fifteen days of receiving a request for filling a full-time
11 equivalent position that was vacant on December first of the most recent even-
12 numbered year or for a temporary position, along with documentation verifying that
13 funding available for salaries and wages within the institution's budget is insufficient to
14 provide funding for the position for the remainder of the biennium.
15 7. The state board of higher education shall report to each meeting of the budget section
16 regarding salaries and wages, vacant position information, and use of funding in the
17 pool including:
18 a. The number of institution requests submitted, amounts transferred from the pool,
19 and information on vacant full-time equivalent positions, including dates the
20 positions were vacated and filled; and
21 b. Salaries and wages savings to date resulting from vacant positions by institution.
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