Legislative Assembly HOUSE BILL NO. 1095
of North Dakota
Introduced by
Representatives Kiefert, Dobervich, Frelich, Karls, McLeod, Mitskog, S. Olson
Senator Lee
1 A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 15.1-07 of the North Dakota
2 Century Code, relating to child protective services liaisons in school districts.
4 SECTION 1. A new section to chapter 15.1-07 of the North Dakota Century Code is created
5 and enacted as follows:
6 Child protective services liaison - Duties - Training - Report.
7 1. As used in this section, "child protective services" means an "authorized agent" or the
8 "department" as the terms are defined under section 50-25.1-02.
9 2. A school district may designate at least one child protective services liaison by
10 assigning the duties under subsection 3 to:
11 a. A faculty member, including a counselor, social worker, or administrator; or
12 b. An individual hired for the position of child protective services liaison.
13 3. A child protective services liaison shall:
14 a. Act as the primary point of contact for child protective services;
15 b. Communicate with child protective services on behalf of the school district;
16 c. Assist child protective services with a student case investigation;
17 d. Coordinate resources and support services for a student in the care of child
18 protective services;
19 e. Inform school personnel of a student's needs resulting from the student's
20 involvement with child protective services as necessary; and
21 f. Annually provide to the school district a report, including:
22 (1) The number of cases on which the liaison worked;
23 (2) Challenges resulting from collaboration with child protective services; and
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Legislative Assembly
1 (3) Recommendations for improving the partnership between child protective
2 services and the school district.
3 4. Child protective services shall provide:
4 a. Training to each child protective services liaison, within six months of the liaison's
5 designation, including:
6 (1) Identification of signs of child abuse and neglect;
7 (2) Procedures for reporting suspected child abuse and neglect;
8 (3) Child protective services protocols and procedures;
9 (4) Best practices for collaborating with child protective services to support
10 students; and
11 (5) Confidentiality and ethical considerations regarding student cases.
12 b. Ongoing training and professional development.
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