Legislative Assembly SENATE BILL NO. 2067
of North Dakota
Introduced by
Judiciary Committee
(At the request of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation)
1 A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact subsection 2 of section 12.1-32-06.1 of the North
2 Dakota Century Code, relating to the commencement date of supervised probation if an
3 alternative to incarceration is court ordered.
5 SECTION 1. AMENDMENT. Subsection 2 of section 12.1-32-06.1 of the North Dakota
6 Century Code is amended and reenacted as follows:
7 2. Except as provided in this section, the length of supervised probation imposed in
8 conjunction with a sentence of probation or a suspended execution or deferred
9 imposition of sentence may not extend for more than five years for a felony offense
10 subject to section 12.1-32-09.1, a felony offense subject to section 12.1-32-02.1,
11 which involves the use of a firearm or dangerous weapon, a second or subsequent
12 violation of section 12.1-17-07.1, a second or subsequent violation of any domestic
13 violence protection order, a violation of chapter 12.1-41, or a violation of section
14 14-09-22; three years for any other felony offense; two years for a class A
15 misdemeanor; and three hundred sixty days for a class B misdemeanor offense from
16 the later of the date of:
17 a. The order imposing probation;
18 b. The defendant's release from incarceration or an alternative to incarceration; or
19 c. Termination of the defendant's parole.
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