The bill amends the North Dakota Century Code regarding the practice of genetic counseling, specifically addressing the authority of genetic counselors to order genetic testing and the requirements for licensure. It allows licensed genetic counselors to provide genetic testing in coordination with a North Dakota licensed health care provider, rather than solely upon the provider's order. Additionally, the bill clarifies that genetic counselors are not authorized to practice medicine, and if they identify any medical conditions during counseling, they must refer clients to a licensed medical provider.

Furthermore, the bill modifies the licensure requirements for genetic counselors, including the education and certification criteria. It specifies that applicants must complete their certification examination within five years and no more than three attempts, unless an exception is approved by the board. The amendments also emphasize the need for applicants to demonstrate good moral character and maintain a history free of disciplinary actions that could affect their licensure.

Statutes affected:
INTRODUCED: 43-60-02, 43-60-03
PREFILED: 43-60-02, 43-60-03