Legislative Assembly HOUSE BILL NO. 1065
of North Dakota
Introduced by
Political Subdivisions Committee
(At the request of the State Treasurer)
1 A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact subsection 3 of section 57-51.1-07.8 of the North
2 Dakota Century Code, relating to the county and township infrastructure fund.
4 SECTION 1. AMENDMENT. Subsection 3 of section 57-51.1-07.8 of the North Dakota
5 Century Code is amended and reenacted as follows:
6 3. The state treasurer shall distribute the lesser of thirteen percent of the balance of the
7 fund or sixteen million one hundred thousand dollars to non-oil-producing counties for
8 the benefit of the organized and unorganized townships within each non-oil-producing
9 county. The distribution to each non-oil-producing county must provide for an equal
10 allocation to each organized and unorganized township which is proportional to the
11 number of township road miles in each organized and unorganized township relative
12 to the combined total township road miles in all organized and unorganized townships
13 in all non-oil-producing counties. For purposes of this subsection, township road miles
14 must be based on certifications provided to the state treasurer using roadway mileage
15 criteria from the department of transportation. The amount allocated to organized
16 townships under this section must be paid by the county treasurer to each organized
17 township. The amount allocated to unorganized townships under this section must be
18 credited by the county treasurer to a special fund for unorganized township roads. A
19 township is not eligible for an allocation of funds under this section if the township
20 does not maintain any township roads.
Page No. 1 25.8073.01000

Statutes affected:
PREFILED: 57-51.1-07.8