Legislative Assembly SENATE BILL NO. 2358
of North Dakota
Introduced by
Senators Meyer, Davison, Patten
Representatives Dockter, Stemen
1 A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 53-06 of the North Dakota
2 Century Code, relating to the creation of a sports betting task force; to provide for a legislative
3 management report; and to provide an expiration date.
5 SECTION 1. A new section to chapter 53-06 of the North Dakota Century Code is created
6 and enacted as follows:
7 Sports betting task force - Membership - Duties - Report.
8 1. The sports betting task force consists of:
9 a. The majority leader of the house of representatives, or the majority leader's
10 designee;
11 b. The majority leader of the senate, or the majority leader's designee;
12 c. The governor, or the governor's designee;
13 d. The attorney general, or the attorney general's designee; and
14 e. The president of the united tribes gaming association, or the president's
15 designee.
16 2. The governor or the governor's designee shall convene the task force. The task force
17 shall elect the chairman. The task force shall meet at the call of the chairman.
18 3. The task force shall develop a comprehensive statewide implementation plan for
19 online sports betting and regulation.
20 4. The task force shall prepare any proposed legislation necessary to implement online
21 sports betting. In preparing proposed legislation, the task force shall consider:
22 a. Protecting North Dakota's interests in online sports betting;
23 b. Consumer protection;
24 c. Best practices and guidance for the regulation of online sports betting;
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Legislative Assembly
1 d. Tethered online sports betting operations;
2 e. A multistate online sports betting operation;
3 f. Revenue sharing;
4 g. Taxation options;
5 h. The impact of sports betting on gambling addiction service providers;
6 i. The effects of online sports betting on youth and young adult gambling addiction;
7 and
8 j. Implications of online sports betting on:
9 (1) Charitable gaming;
10 (2) Tribal gaming; and
11 (3) Collegiate sports.
12 5. The task force may not expend state funds on lobbying or campaigning in favor of or
13 opposition to a constitutional amendment to authorize sports betting.
14 6. If a constitutional amendment authorizing sports betting is approved by the voters, the
15 task force shall report its findings and recommendations, and any proposed legislation
16 necessary to implement online sports betting, to the sixty-ninth legislative assembly.
17 SECTION 2. EXPIRATION DATE. This Act is effective through December 31, 2024, and
18 after that date is ineffective.
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