Legislative Assembly SENATE BILL NO. 2280
of North Dakota
Introduced by
Senators Paulson, Boehm, Clemens
Representatives Koppelman, Louser, McLeod
1 A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 16.1-11-22 of the North Dakota Century Code,
2 relating to the form of the primary election ballot.
4 SECTION 1. AMENDMENT. Section 16.1-11-22 of the North Dakota Century Code is
5 amended and reenacted as follows:
6 16.1-11-22. Primary election ballot - Form - Voters to vote for candidates of only one
7 political party.
8 At the primary election there may be only one ballot containing the separate sections for all
9 parties or principles. The judges and the inspector of elections shall inform each elector at the
10 primary, before voting, if the voter votes for candidates of more than one political party the
11 voter's political party ballot will be rejected. The ballot must be in the following form:
12 1. The ballot must be entitled the "consolidated primary election ballot".
13 2. Each political party or principle having candidates at the primary election must have a
14 separate section on the ballot.
15 3. At the head of each section must be printed the name of the political party or principle
16 which it represents.
17 4. Spanning the columns containing the political party ballot sections and before the
18 party names or principle titles must be printed: "In a Political Party Primary Election,
19 you may only vote for the candidates of one political party. This ballot contains the
20 number of political parties or principles and a description of where the political parties
21 or principles are to be found in the sections below. If you vote in more than one
22 political party's section, your Political Party Ballot will be rejected; however, all votes
23 on the No Party and Measure Ballots will still be counted."
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Legislative Assembly
1 5. Immediately below the warning against voting for candidates of more than one political
2 party must be printed: "To vote for the candidate of your choice, you must darken the
3 oval next to the name of that candidate. To vote for an individual whose name is not
4 printed on the ballot, you must darken the oval next to the blank line provided and
5 write that individual's name on the blank line."
6 6. The offices specified in section 16.1-11-26 must be arranged in each section with the
7 name of each office in the center of each political party section at the head of the
8 names of all the candidates for the office.
9 7. Immediately under the name of each office must be printed: "Vote for no more than
10 __________ name (or names)."
11 8. Immediately preceding and on the same line as the name of each candidate must be
12 printed an oval in which the voter is to mark the voter's choice by darkening the oval
13 next to the name of the candidate chosen.
14 9. If applicable, immediately after or under the name of a candidate who received a party
15 certificate of endorsement for the office under subdivision a of subsection 1 of section
16 16.1-11-06, a notation indicating the candidate was endorsed by the political party or
17 principle.
18 10. If applicable, immediately after or under the name of a candidate who filed a
19 nominating petition for the office under subdivision b of subsection 1 of section
20 16.1-11-06, a notation indicating the candidate was placed on the ballot by a
21 nominating petition.
22 11. The political party or principle which cast the largest vote for governor at the most
23 recent primary election at which the office of governor was voted upon must have the
24 first section, and the political party or principle casting the next largest vote must have
25 the second section, and so on.
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Statutes affected:
INTRODUCED: 16.1-11-22