Legislative Assembly SENATE BILL NO. 2197
of North Dakota
Introduced by
Senator Krebsbach
1 A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 15-10 of the North Dakota
2 Century Code, relating to the re-energize North Dakota scholarship; to provide an appropriation;
3 and to provide an expiration date.
5 SECTION 1. A new section to chapter 15-10 of the North Dakota Century Code is created
6 and enacted as follows:
7 Re-energize North Dakota scholarship.
8 1. The state board of higher education may award scholarships for the purpose of
9 recruiting and retraining individuals to work in the North Dakota oil and gas industry.
10 2. An applicant is eligible for the re-energize North Dakota scholarship if the applicant:
11 a. Is or was employed in the oil and gas industry in an oil and gas-producing county
12 for a minimum of six months; or
13 b. Is an immediate family member of a current or former employee who was
14 employed in the oil and gas industry in an oil and gas-producing county for a
15 minimum of six months.
16 3. Scholarships must be awarded in the eligibility priority order identified in subsection 2.
17 4. The scholarship recipient must attend a qualifying educational program resulting in
18 attainment of a workforce training credential, certificate, associate's degree, bachelor's
19 degree, or master's degree. The educational program must be provided at an
20 institution under the control of the state board of higher education.
21 5. After the initial award, recipients must maintain academic progress in the eligible
22 program according to program requirements to continue receiving the re-energize
23 North Dakota scholarship.
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Legislative Assembly
1 6. Scholarships may be awarded in the amount of up to two thousand dollars per quarter,
2 semester, or term. Individuals may receive combined awards totaling no more than
3 sixteen thousand dollars. Scholarships are limited to the amount charged each
4 quarter, semester, or term by the educational institution for tuition, fees, books, and
5 supplies required for the qualifying educational program.
6 7. The state board of higher education shall adopt policies and procedures to administer
7 the re-energize North Dakota scholarship program.
8 8. For the purposes of this section, an oil and gas-producing county means Billings,
9 Bottineau, Bowman, Burke, Divide, Dunn, Golden Valley, McHenry, McKenzie,
10 Mountrail, Renville, Slope, Stark, Ward, or Williams County.
12 EQUIVALENT POSITION. There is appropriated out of any moneys in the general fund in the
13 state treasury, not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $10,250,000, or so much of the sum as
14 may be necessary, to the state board of higher education for the purpose of awarding
15 re-energize North Dakota scholarships, for the biennium beginning July 1, 2023, and ending
16 June 30, 2025. Of the amount appropriated, the state board of higher education may use up to
17 $250,000 for student financial assistance and scholarship programs coordination and
18 marketing. The state board of higher education is authorized one full-time equivalent position.
19 SECTION 3. EXPIRATION DATE. Section 1 of this Act is effective through June 30, 2027,
20 and after that date is ineffective.
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