Legislative Assembly SENATE BILL NO. 2167
of North Dakota
Introduced by
Senators Kannianen, Elkin, Paulson
Representatives Fegley, Finley-DeVille, J. Olson
1 A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact sections 15.1-23-02 and 15.1-23-15 of the North
2 Dakota Century Code, relating to home education.
4 SECTION 1. AMENDMENT. Section 15.1-23-02 of the North Dakota Century Code is
5 amended and reenacted as follows:
6 15.1-23-02. Statement of intent to supervise home education.
7 At least fourteenfive days before beginning home education or within fourteen days of
8 establishing a child's residence in a school district, and once each year thereafter, a parent
9 intending to supervise or supervising home education shall file a statement, reflecting that intent
10 or fact, with the superintendent of the child's school district of residence or if no superintendent
11 is employed, with the county superintendent of schools for the child's county of residence.
12 1. The statement must include:
13 a. The name and, address, date of birth, and grade level of the child receiving home
14 education;
15 b. The child's date of birth;
16 c. The child's grade level;
17 d. The name and, address, and qualifications of the parent who will supervise the
18 home education;
19 e. The qualifications of the parent who will supervise the home education;
20 f.c. Any public school courses in which the child intends to participate and the school
21 district offering the courses; and
22 g.d. Any extracurricular activities in which the child intends to participate and the
23 school district or approved nonpublic school offering the activities.
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Legislative Assembly
1 2. The statement must be accompanied by a copy of the child's immunization record and
2 proof of the child's identity as required by section 12-60-26.
3 3. The superintendent of the child's school district of residence or if no superintendent is
4 employed, the county superintendent of schools for the child's county of residence
5 shall report the number of statements of intent that have been filed in accordance with
6 this section to the superintendent of public instruction at the time and in the manner
7 required by the superintendent of public instruction.
8 SECTION 2. AMENDMENT. Section 15.1-23-15 of the North Dakota Century Code is
9 amended and reenacted as follows:
10 15.1-23-15. Child with a developmental disability - Home education - Progress
11 reports.
12 1. On or before November first, February first, and May first of each school year, a parent
13 supervising home education for a child with a developmental disability under section
14 15.1-23-14 shall file with the superintendent of the child's school district of residence
15 progress reports prepared by the services plan team selected under section
16 15.1-23-14. If at any time the services plan team agrees that the child is not benefiting
17 from home educationmaking adequate progress or maintaining progress made based
18 on academic ability, the team shall notify the superintendent of the child's school
19 district of residence and request that the child be evaluated by a multidisciplinary team
20 appointed by the superintendent of the child's school district of residence.
21 2. The superintendent of the child's school district of residence shall forward copies of all
22 documentation required by this section to the superintendent of public instruction.
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Statutes affected:
INTRODUCED: 15.1-23-02, 15.1-23-15
Enrollment: 15.1-23-02, 15.1-23-15